During the workshop for journalists on nutrition issues in Armenia organized by Oxfam on October 29 in Tsakhkadzor, Ruben Sargsyan, chairman of APR Group presented the findings of the research on the state of nutrition of the Armenian population.“Let’s follow healthy lifestyle and pay more attention to healthy child nutrition and knowledge nutrition practices”, mentioned Surgsyan when summarizing the outcomes of the research.
Representatives of the Ministry of Healthcare, Mass Media and civil society participated in the workshop.
The research was conducted in 2015 by the initiative of Oxfam in Armenia within the framework of the food security project funded by the European Union. The research aimed at discovery of key issues characterizing the state of the nutrition of the Armenian population through individual interviews (among 1600 respondents) as well as identifying main national policy priorities and other related issues through document review and qualitative interviews with key informants and experts.
The research briefing paper can be downloaded here.
The full research report can be downloaded here.