
Invitation: "Workshop for representatives of Mass Media on Constitutional Reforms"


28.10.14-APR Group

28.10.14-APR Group

Dear partner,

“Advanced Public Research (APR) Group” NGO cordially invites a representative of your media agency (desirably specialized in covering legal issues) to participate in the workshop for Mass Media representatives on Constitutional reforms.

The goal of the workshop is to develop capacities of journalists covering issues related to human rights and Constitutional reforms.

The workshop will be facilitated by Ruben Sargsyan, Ara Ghazaryan, Heriknaz Tigranyan and Tatev Martirosyan. During discussions the findings of the research on Constitutional reforms conducted by APR group will be presented.

The event is organized within the framework of “Increasing Participation of the Civil Society in Political Processes in Armenia” project with the financial support from the European Endowment for Democracy.

The workshop will take place on July 17-19 2015 at “Best Western” Aghveran Hotel in Aghveran. The agenda is attached. Transportation, lodging and meal will be provided for the participants.

Only one representative from each media agency can participate in the workshop. Please send the name and contact details of your candidate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mentioning “Constitutional amendment workshop” in the e-mail subject or via call at 091 300-748 and 098 300-948. The application deadline is July 10 2015.

Workshop agenda.